How can art as a process emphasise what is overlooked in day-to-day life?

How can interactions in day-to-day life engender becoming?

    map conversation with DC in shed A Dozen Gifts and an Exchange conversation with PS in shed BG's SOS conversation with BG in shed Delamere Forest Woodman and mobile phones nephew reading granny hush York Whispering Bee Video Sketching friend Nonconformist Tides Must Turn collaborative etching hinge story@bloc Bloc SHU Allotment Tales and Nettle String Leaving Allotment Neighbour's garden shed hens Stuttering Beginnings conversation with EW in shed PGR Conference 2 Dead Dogs digging conversation with AT in shed AT's gift seeds received and harvested Support for Travellers Jane in her polytunnel Woodman's Burial Ear to the Ground Allotment Soup conversation with OA in shed carrotman at BlocAssembly heartOne bakewell show Farmers Market Weaving / Ceramics / Painting Swedish weaver's loom and mat Tale of Two Benches Skull Homepage Flashlight George the duckling Morning Walk jam making my father's autobiography + movie and his Geevor drawings Collaboration with Silver Silver's cast Alsia well MAFA, UCF seminar conversation with KB in shed Technicians Journal Headspace Rend conversation with HB in shed Children of the Revolution? conversation with GW in Shed Edgecentrics wall building pumpkinFour Cultural Capital allotment processes infrasense Harold Harvey Paint Tube community garden Truro Garden Heart Homepage Poppy Homepage Ball Homepage Spade Homepage Carrotman Homepage Bottle Homepage Pumpkin Hompage Hinge Homepage Potato Homepage

    Notes about the website

    All material is copyright Laura Wild © 2011. You may reference the site as long as references are attributed. If you would like to reference the site

    Martin Blazey, who generously gave of his time and technical experience in building the website, offers the following information: This website will work with a wide range of web browsers however the experience will be lesser for those using older browsers that do not allow scripts or do not conform to W3C standards. To ensure you get the best possible experience whilst exploring the site please ensure that your browser allows scripts for Javascript and CSS. You will also need to download Quicktime for your web browser in order to view the videos on this website.

    If you want to contact Martin please visit his site at or you can visit to find out more.